Ok...well obviously I haven't been here for oooooohhhhhh sooooo looooong! Geesh how time flies!
I really don't know where to begin.
Well......we made it to Perth. Port Kennedy to be exact. It is a gorgeous place with lots of wonderful beaches, Dolphins, Sea Lions, Penguins (YES PENGUINS!!) and the occasional 4 metre Shark! I absolutely love it here! (Despite the fact it is 16 degrees right now and blowing a gale).
The kids have been doing well. Keila has continued on her gymnastics, joining a cool little club down here. She has just badge tested to achieve her National 5 level, so we are quite proud of her. Earlier this year she represented her club in Singapore....Now THAT was cool! We all went over to support her (yeah right....enjoy the holiday more like it! hehe). She ended up with a bronze in vault, which was really good considering she was competing against girls from Singapore and Thailand. Will make a post especially about Singapore with pics....so stay tuned!
Keila is also involved in Tae Kwon Do in which she is currently a red 2 (which Scott tells me is second gup in martial arts terms), and has won a trophy in a competition. She has also joined a mixed soccer team which her Dad coaches. Apparently she is like her Dad, talented in everything she puts her boot to!
Braithe has also started soccer, and seems to be enjoying it...though I think his team mates wish he did a little less hand stands during the game and more running! But he's cute!!
Braithe and Brandon both do Jiu Jitsu now. They absolutely love it, and are great at it. It is so technical, so right up Brandon's alley! They have been in a few competitions since they started, and have won a few medals, but really their dedication to training and the enjoyment they seem to get from it far outweigh any medals won (awww, who am I kidding??!! We are so so proud of them medalling!). They have also been enjoying Capoeira over the last term. We are extremely proud of them there too. It has been run at the school I work at with several of the students from there. MY boys have been commended by the instructor and the other parents for the excellent behaviour and skill level they show!! Now I live with these guys 24/7....to hear from other parents that MY boys are a good influence is just the halleluja chorus to my ears! Braithe has found that all his handstanding during soccer has helped him out immensely in this new sport....who knew?! (note to self...take video of those two practicing their Capoeira and post to Blogger).
As I eluded to earlier, yes I am working, AND in a school. I scored relief work last year at the Rockingham Montessori School. I absolutely loved it there and was so ecstatic that they offered me a permanant position there. Unfortunately it is only 2 days a week at the moment, though the past few weeks I have been working 4 and 5 days covering for other people and doing prep work. I gotta tell you, that extra two days prep work is not only good on the pocket, but it is awesome on the self esteem! I have been able to create materials for the 3-6 class that were fun and sometimes challenging, but best of all, the teacher involved is so happy that she has spread my name in a good way (for a change) through the school! I don't want to wish ill on anybody there, but I REALLY need the 5 days work, so fingers crossed, somebody decides they don't like working in a school anymore and moves on!
Scott has just completed (well almost completed) his Cert III Teacher's Assistant. He has been doing job placement at my school which was really good. The kids really enjoyed having him there, and he brought new light to a couple of situations. Again not wishing ill on anybody, but how cool would it be for me to get the full time position and him to get my 2 day position.....dreeeeeeeeaaaaam, dream dream dream!
Well, too much info in one session is probably too much. Stay tuned...I will try to catch up on the past 18 months in future posts.
Have a wonderful day all!
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