what time is it?

Monday, 12 February 2007

Tazzie Devil for the day

This is how I feel at the moment, I just wish that I was actually in his furry little body right now! Just think.... you are expected to be snappy and bad tempered all the time....and anybody that gets in your face.....you just bite their fingers off! Plus look at his serene little back yard!!
I am sorry to say that all weekend I have behaved like a Tazzie Devil, so kids, husband, myself....we have all felt the wrath of Nat! I think I needed to be in that really serene little enclosure, for my family's safety.
Will try to find my happy place today by the time they get home, perhaps some major overhaul of the garage, my room...I should be doing some scrapbooking too....I have heaps to submit to Scrapbook city, and am about a month behind.....but no playtime until the jobs are done!
Perhaps I should take that particular trait from my little mate up there....He never sat still!!
No wonder his little cave was sooooo spotless!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Nat,

Believe me, I know that feeling. Keep ya chin up mate.

Warm hugs!