what time is it?

Tuesday, 23 January 2007

The Lucky Elephant

So, everybody creates their own luck...I understand that, but after the past few years, you can't really blame me for asking for a little help!
I am putting it out there to the universe, to my new Lucky Elephant there, (complete with my son's hands, so how lucky must that be! he he).....this year I would like to succeed with my family skills, my studies, with my life goals to get better physically, mentally, and spiritually, and with my resolve to become the person that I believe I used to be pre "losing it".
I used to be a competant person, a woman who was able to hold down a full time job, study at night, hold a second job when needed, AND keep my family and household together. I used to be able to look adversity in the face and shrug my shoulders at it. I loved a challenge.
Now, just getting out of bed every morning is a challenge, and I don't love it one bit. Making time to spend with the kids, though something that I want to do, can be almost excruciating sometimes. Showing my husband the love and support that he needs in his time of confusion just feels like it is draining what little energy I do have, and I hate feeling this way, as I don't ever want him to feel like he can't talk to me.
I want all of this to change...and I know that I need willpower, and resolve, and a lot of hard work....and hopefully a little luck will help a long the way.

Monday, 22 January 2007

Day one

Well, Scott went back to work today after a really long Christmas break. It's kind of weird not having him here wafting around the house. I got up and made sure I said goodbye this morning, which was a bit of an ask at 6.15, but it was worth it....I THINK he appreciated it.

I had all these grand plans for our first day without Daddy...one of which included riding our bikes down to the park.....Erm.....it has been raining constantly since some ungodly hour of the morning!! Not that I am complaining, we haven't had any decent rain all wet season, which has been a bit disappointing, so this is a welcome relief....I just wish it had have come a little earlier and NOT on the one day that I am trying to do the "good mum" thing! he he. I'm sure it will clear up later in the week. Until then we have plenty to do around here, puzzles, games, poker...the list goes on. Right now they are entertaining themselves supposedly cleaning up....though just between me and you, there is more playing than cleaning going on out there!

So, I think I might fart around on here for a while, then go and clean out the garage! Now, I have written it, so it must be done!

Have a great one!

Sunday, 21 January 2007

Ok, so I guess it's a pretty weird thing to start blogging about, but hey....if you took any notice of my title, you probably have cotton on that I'm not that normal anyhow! Besides, I have been farting around with this site for soooo long now that I had to start writing about something, and this is as exciting as it gets today!
Well....let me introduce you to my babies! Rose, Axl, and Toffee. I am sorry to report that Toffee passed away just before christmas as a result of a lethal Bristle Nose Catfish attack. (The Bristle Nose is now responsible for the death of my beloved Oscar and Toffee, so is now relegated to a guppy bowl!!)
So anyway, I have always wanted Axolotls and finally have moved to a state where I am allowed to keep them. For anybody who is still scratching their heads....Axolotls are also known as Mexican Walking Fish, though they are not really fish. They are the laval stage of the Salamander. Mine will never turn into Salamanders though as they have been bred in Australian aquariums and the ability to morph has been genetically removed from them. They are so cool, each has it's own personality. For example Rose begs for food and is quite active, while Axl is a bit of a loner, and spends a lot of time in his log. My kids love them!!!! They have taken them to school on several occasions with little information sheets, and their show and tell sessions have been really successful. Braithe my youngest enjoys collecting the worms and feeding them, which is really cool since Braithe has never liked touching any type of insect up until we got the Axls.
At present Axl and Rose are sulking at the bottom of their tank, they had their fortnightly water change, and though you would think they would appreciate all the nasties being taken out of their tank, they just hate things being moved around! They'll get over it!